
Cultural Expertise

Immerse yourself in the Brazilian Portuguese, Lithuanian, and American English languages. BRALITUSA is now offering language classes, Chicago tours, and event assistance. 


Learn something new.
Understand more and better.
Exceed your limitations.
Expand your world.

Photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash


Language Classes

Do you want to better understand your partner? His or her family?
Would you like to be prepared for specific business opportunities in a world that is getting increasingly more global and diversified?
Motivated by that upcoming trip and challenged by the possibilities?

BRALITUSA offers personalized language classes in Brazilian Portuguese, Lithuanian, and American English. Each class is tailored to the student and one’s specific goals, level, pace, and interests. Travel? Writing notes to your partner? Reaching your sales targets in a new market? We can help.

Our classes are a combination of listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing, and – of course – some grammar too. (you need to know the “why” behind some of the rules, don’t you?)


Do you want to understand more, rather than just see the sights?
Would you like to explore alternative sites and activities beyond those offered to the regular tourists?
Excited about more independent explorations and broader learning?

BRALITUSA also offers tailor-made tours of Chicago for individuals and groups of different sizes. Learn more about the touristic sites you visit. Discover why some sights are popular and the curiosities related to them. Do you have a specific area of interest? Music? Food? A particular neighborhood? Learn more about the usual sites and discover places and information few people know about. Just beware of Winter. Most tours include walking.


Do you have a challenge that you would like to discuss with a fellow colleague?
Would you like to investigate alternative solutions to some of the problems you are currently facing in your business?
Ready to more actively network and develop new partnerships?

BRALITUSA will consult with you on specific subjects, issues, or occasions. This can be an opportunity for topic exploration, peer networking, or “just because” entertainment occasions. BRALITUSA will partner with you in creating a memorable experience.


BRALITUSA was founded by Sofia Zutautas, a Brazilian with Lithuanian background, who is living in Chicago for over 30 years and loving it. As a cultural expert, she has taught languages for over 15 years; given tours to hundreds of national and international tourists; and organized many business-strategy conferences for upper-level professionals. Now is your chance to partner with her on developing new language skills, exploring Chicago, or creating a customized professional program for a small group of peers.


info@bralitusa.com • 1.773.504.1344 • Chicago, Illinois

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